Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pain and Praise

Yes, indeed, the chemo drugs are very different.  This one doesn't make me feel as "yucky", but boy do I hurt!!  It's like I've been in a car accident and I hurt whenever I'm not medicated.  This is not good for me since I don't like taking medicine - especially on top of the chemo drugs!  Yet, this is my plight, at least for now.  The pain seems to be mainly in my bones.  Even when I'm still, I can sometimes feel the pain moving through my bone marrow.  Please continue to pray for me.

My spirits, however, are still good.  I'm getting so close to finishing this chemo.  That encourages me so much!  My mother is still here with me week in and week out.  What a doll!  My church family and my homeschool family are so generous and kind.  The meals may seem like small acts of kindness, but they really do help financially as well.  I am so thankful for each of you.  I'm especially grateful for those of you who are praying for me.  I can still feel the prayers.  I know that they are sustaining me through this.  God is so good!


Suzanne S. said...

Karen I hope your pain is better as I write this. I hope that is a good sign that the chemo is doing its' job but I know that doesn't help too much in the meantime. Just know that God will see you through this! Love ya! Suzanne

Mrsphylpie said...

Closer and Closer Karen. Praying...Phyllis

Anonymous said...

Karen, You are a blessing. I'm praying specifically for good rest tonight.

Isaiah 40:29 NIV
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak