Saturday, August 7, 2010

Doing Better Today

Today was the first day that I did not have extreme pain.  The pain was only dull today, so I'm a thankful girl!!  Despite the body aches, I had a pretty busy week.  I registered the girls for school this week and got everything in order for next week - our first week of school.  I even did some light shopping this week.  :-(  Anyone who knows me well knows that I do NOT like shopping.  Pain or no pain, life goes on, right?  However, there were a couple of meetings I didn't attend because I was just too tired.  By evening, the pain worsens and all my good intentions fly right out the window.

Treatment #6 (can you believe it?) will be next week.  I'm starting to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  I know radiation therapy and reconstruction still awaits but I hear they're SOOOO much easier than chemo.  Either way, God has brought me this far, so I know I can make it through.  Hey, thanks for sharing this journey with me by the way.  ((hug))


Suzanne S. said...

We missed seeing you Thursday night! I know this year will be different for you, but I am praying that you all get used to the changes quickly!