Thursday, August 26, 2010

Seven Down, ONE to Go!!

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Today was long, but I did well.  I just feel a little tired tonight.  Thank you so much for the prayers.  I have only one more chemo treatment to go!  YAY!!!

All my blood work looks great!!  My red blood counts are better, but still quite a bit lower than normal.  The doctor says this is normal after getting off the Adriamycin, and it will continue to improve each week.    :-)

I was told to wait until after radiation to do my juice fast/detox.  My liver and kidney numbers look great, so he doesn't think I should be concerned about detoxing so quickly after chemo.  I still may do it, but moderately.  I want to see my nails, feel, hands, and hair restored.


Anonymous said...

I am overjoyed by the goodness and mercy of the Lord Almighty! Karen, it is such a blessing to witness the power of God working thru you and your family throughout this temporary trial. To God be the Glory!!! Keep the faith. Love you all,

Kidcraze said...

Woo-Hoooo! I am so excited for you as you near the end of this phase. It's great to hear that your numbers are looking good. You are going to beat this!