Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So Long, Herceptin

I had my last Herceptin infusion today.  It didn't feel like my last though.  Maybe that's because I'm so used to having them every three weeks for the past year, or maybe it's because doubt is creeping in.  I hugged my RN goodbye today and promised to stop by to say hello when I'm there for my checkups. 

It's funny, everyone expects you to feel celebratory when you complete a milestone in cancer treatment.  But just like when I completed chemotherapy, I feel a little exposed and vulnerable.  I hope that will pass soon.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pre-Op Tests and End of Treatments

Yesterday, I went to University Methodist Hospital for my pre-admission testing.  It went very quickly, so I was pleasantly surprised.  They check my temp, my BP, my weight, my blood for all sorts of things, my heart (EKG), and even my chest (x-ray).  I did paperwork and visited with the anesthesiology dept. 

I received a call today from my surgeon's office saying my tests showed an abnormality in my EKG, so I will need medical clearance from my cardiologist before I can have the surgery.  Also, since I'm not sure whether or not I'm a sickle cell carrier, that needs to be verified before the surgery as well.  *sigh*  So, now, I will be tested, and hopefully cleared, by my cardiologist Friday afternoon.  I think the heart issue is related to the Herceptin since that treatment carries with it heart side effects.  Hopefully, there is nothing wrong.

Speaking of Herceptin, I will have my last Herceptin treatment tomorrow morning.  Wow!  After 1 year and 1 month of the treatment room at The West Clinic, I will leave there tomorrow, possibly never to return.  I'll miss the RNs there, but I suppose I can always stop by and say hi when I'm there for my periodic checkups.  I feel like I'm about to close the Cancer chapter of my life...especially after this reconstruction is done. 

So, now here are my prayer requests:

  • that my heart is healthy and can withstand a 6-8 hour surgery under general anesthesia
  • that my cancer will not return after the Herceptin is stopped
  • that my July 27th CT scan is clean
  • that in everything I do and everything I go through, God will be glorified!
Thank you so very much.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Psalm 5:3-4

 “In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation” (Psalm 5:3-4 NIV)

This may become my latest favorite passage of scripture.  I prayed for God's guidance today before reading this scripture.  I know what He's telling me in this time of waiting on the Lord.  Thank you!

Life has been busy lately with one child preparing for college, another child preparing for high school, cancer treatments coming to an abrupt end, and reconstruction quickly approaching.  There has been a whirlwind of emotions inside of me, and I'm not sure how well I'm handling it all.  Sometimes, I feel like I'm sinking and other times like I'm soaring.  I have found that with a cancer diagnosis comes a very low toleration for negativity.  It irks me to the nth degree!!  It seems like there are times when I'm joyful all by myself.

My dear friend has been a cancer survivor for 12 years and has recently found a lump in her breast.  Yesterday's ultrasound looked scary, so she will have a biopsy in the next few days.  So much has happened in her life since her cancer bout.  I pray this isn't another one.  We survivors would like to think that after the magic 5 year mark, you're scott free.  Unfortunately, once a cancer patient, always a cancer patient.

My surgery will be in less than 3 weeks.  The pre-op visit is next Monday (6/27).  I'm looking forward to the outcome of the surgery, but I dread the recovery.  I know it will be most uncomfortable, but I know several people who have been through it and don't regret it.

Thank for continuing to read my blog.  I know it hasn't been very active lately.  I hope you continue to pray for me and my family.  It's comforting to know that others care so deeply.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


How do you know when you're returning to normal?  

  1. When you can cut the front yard in 95 degree heat!!  (Yeah, and Terry was NOT happy about that when he found out!!!)
  2. When you can do a  2 mile walk/power walk interval most days of the week.  Yippee!!