Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Yet Another Re-Scheduling

Well, my surgery is now scheduled for July 11th.  The surgeon had a very good reason for the change, but it sure does change a lot of my plans!  Oh well, like my mother says, "everything happens for a reason".  ;-)

I'm still doing well.  I have only two Herceptin treatments left, then it's "wait and see".  That makes me a bit nervous, but I know they'll be keeping a close eye on me.  My next scan is scheduled for July 27th, so feel free to start praying now.  :-)

I rented and watched a terrific movie from Netflix titled "Living Proof".  It has changed my perception of my type of cancer.  I'd love for all of you to watch it if at all possible.  It was a awakening  for me in many ways.  When you see it, you'll understand why.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Surgery Re-Scheduled

Yay!  My surgery date has been moved up to June 10th!  Now, I should be back on my feet by the end of July.