Thursday, July 8, 2010


Yesterday and today have been pretty good.  In fact, I felt so good yesterday, I decided to go to Wal-Mart to shop for some school supplies.  Not the best idea!

My chemotherapy schedule was setup to be very aggressive.  The first four rounds consist of the two toughest chemo drugs on the market.  After that, I'll receive a third drug for rounds 5-8, which, according to one of my nurses "should be a piece of cake after getting through the first four".  Needless to say, I'm dreading round 4.  Since these treatments accumulate, round 4 shuold be the worst.  Please remember me in your prayers.  Additionally, my red blood count needs to improve.  Before round 3, it was down to 28 and it can't afford to drop anymore before round 4.  I'm trying to eat more iron-rich foods, but my appetite is not what it should be.  Please be in prayer about that too.

I thank you so much for your prayers.  They are truly sustaining me. My doctors say I'm handling the treatments very well.  That can only be attributed to God and His goodness.


Kidcraze said...

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better.
I couldn't have gotten out of the house when my red count was that low. Are you remembering to take iron with vit. C or orange juice and to avoid dairy within an hour or two of the iron?

Maybe round 4 won't be as bad as you expect. Sometimes if I'm expecting "the worst" then the reality isn't near as bad as my imagination was.
I'm sure it will be tough, though.

Praying for you!

Mrsphylpie said...

You've come a long way Karen....hang in there and continue to enjoy the good days.
