Friday, July 23, 2010

More Side Effects... Oh My!

Wow! What a week it's been.  The body aches slowly improved, but on Thursday morning, I had a new side effect that really caught me off-guard...trouble swallowing.  So now, I'm on two more medicines to remedy esophagitis.  It feels like a closure down in my esophagus and it hurts to swallow any type of solids.  At one point today, it even hurt to swallow liquids too!  This was a bit scary, so I called a GI friend of ours from church and he assured me that I should be okay if it's treated now.  He doesn't think it will close up completely.  He even called in an additional suspension that should help tremendously.  I'll pick it up tomorrow.  :-)  Thanks for the prayers, calls, and words of encouragement.


Kidcraze said...

That would be such a frightening feeling, the throat closing. PTL you had a friend who was able to help and reassure you.