Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Feeling Not So Good

Recovery this time has been a challenge.  What used to be a 4 day recovery is turning into a 7+ day recovery this time.  The Neulasta shot is wreaking havoc on my body this week.  I feel like I'm recovering from a car accident.  My body aches (chest, back, neck, head) continuously.  My nurse called in a  pain pill today, so I hope to have a good night's sleep tonight.  Lately, the pain has been waking me when the ibuprofen wears off.  What makes this more challenging is that pain medicine is not good for a chemo patient because the liver is already working overtime to remove the toxins from the chemotherapy.  Acetaminophen is especially dangerous for me right now, and ibuprofen should be limited as well.  So, I'm living with the pain most of the day and only take meds twice a day. Also, my taste buds still have not recovered so my appetite is not back yet.  I'm whining too much today, so I'll end this post by saying...

GOD is good!!! No matter what!!!


Kim Chapman said...

and YOU are an AMAZING lady no matter what!!!

Praying for you!


sue cheney said...

Ok , so you whine a bit, thats fine. I would whine a lot more. You amaze me with your outlook. Keep looking to God and he will hold you up. In prayer to him and love, Sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for telling me about your blog. I'm following you regularly here. So sorry about the Neulasta shot. I had to have one after my 4th round of treatment in the Clinical Trial with the chemo drugs. I don't think my experience was anything like what you described, but I definitely ached like I had flu or something. I was told what to expect as possibilities and I thought I was ready. I told you that I love my research nurse - she said to me that if you feel your bones ache that's your sign that they are forcing out those cells to improve your counts. So . . . I thanked my bones for about 3 days, lol. (I am grateful that was my only time to need that).

Like everyone else has said - your example is an encouragement and inspiring to so many. You and I are determined to beat the big "C". We know how big God is.

Love you,
Joan Cox

Unknown said...

You're always in my prayers.
God is Awesome!! You are truly an amazingly strong spirit-filled woman.
Love you.