Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Update and Nutrition

I've been doing okay.  I feel like I'm doing great, but then after a few hours of busyness, I get pretty tired.  Sometimes, I feel like I'm just plain ole lazy.  Other times I wonder if it has something to do with my increase in weight (which by the way is a mystery to me).  Donna (Dr. T's nurse) said the weight gain is probably due to the fluctuation in hormones - menopause on, then menopause off.  She said to do what I feel like doing, but to listen to my body.  Hmmm... many times, my body says "don't get out of the bed".  LOL... can't do that!

I've been juicing again.  I hope this will help with my energy levels.  I really like this juice recipe and use it often:

1 pear
1 green apple
2 carrots
broccoli or kale

I may switch up at times, but I think I'll stick with these ingredients as staples.  I juice in the morning most days.  My cousin told me about a powder that can be added to bottled water, shaken and drank when I cannot juice.  It's called "Go Greens".  I bought it, but don't like it much at all.  I'll use it on days when I need to juice but don't have the time.  I've decided to go back to drinking green tea and honey at night.  I read a very interesting article last night titled "The Anti-Cancer Diet".  It lists 10 foods believed to fight and prevent cancer.  Read the article here when you get a chance.  Here are the 10 foods/groups:

Berries (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc.)
Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower)
Green tea
Whole grains
Leafy greens (kale, collards, mustards)
Grapes (red)
Beans (pinto, red kidney, etc.)

I love this list.  I eat all of these, except for tumeric seasoning, so I plan to have at least 2-3 every day.  I'm a big believer in natural healing.  I believe the cure for cancer is in the foods God gives us.  Bon Appétit!


Kidcraze said...

Oooh, love that list of foods!
I tried doing the green stuff in water and couldn't stomach it. It is much better in a smoothie :)

I'm gaining weight too, thanks to perimenopause. Just started a book about it, trying to educate myself. It's a bit frustrating getting dressed these days. Someone even asked me if I am pregnant the other day and I'm def. not.