Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Awareness

Happy New Year!!!  I've heard this many times this week.  I thought I’d look forward to 2011.  I was planning to bid 2010 farewell and look forward to the new cancer-free me in 2011.  As it turned out, New Years Eve was scary for me.  I’ve become more aware of the fact that next year, next month, even next week, is not guaranteed.   

I’m humbled by this new awareness.  It’s scary, but life never has been within my control.  I guess I never realized the false sense of security I had until now.  The only goal I can truly set is 'God’s Will'.  So, I am resolved to thank God for each day and strive to do His will. 


Kidcraze said...

I kinda understand where you are coming from there.
Both when my son had an anaphylactic reaction and when our baby died (two months apart) I felt like I lost my innocence in a way. There are things in life that cause us to truly realize how little time we each have and that there are no guarantees. For me, it was a time of giving back to God what was really His anyway, my children and my life.

I pray that you do have a fantastic 2011, Karen!