Sunday, October 10, 2010

Radiation Schedule

I had my simulation Friday where I was scanned, marked, and tattooed for my radiation treatments.  The tattoos were small, but painful.  I'm glad I won't have to do that again.  I will begin treatments Wednesday, October 13th.  They will be daily (weekdays) for 33 treatments.  My last treatment should be December 1st - unless I get of schedule for some reason.  I will miss treatment Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving week because the office will be closed.  That should be the only holiday delay.  The risks are: burning, fatigue, low white and red blood count, and increased risk of lymphadema.  Overall, though, it should be a lot easier on my body than chemo. 


Suzanne S. said...

Everything will go fine; I am praying for that!! You are staying strong and I am so proud of your journey! Let me know if you need anything!