Thursday, August 4, 2011

Iron Transfusion

Last week, at my doctor appointment, Dr. T. was once again concerned about my iron levels in my blood work.  My red blood count had already been low due to treatment, but surgery made it drop even more.  What I didn't realize is that he sent the blood off for further testing.  Apparently, the results were not good, because the clinic called me today to schedule a four-hour iron transfusion.  This explains the headaches, dizziness, and light-headedness I had last weekend.

I decided not to call Dr. T. Monday about the dizziness because I had already decided it was due to low red blood count (iron).  I have some iron supplements a doctor gave me 2 years ago, so I started taking them Monday morning.  It has helped.  I talked to the RN and I was still advised to have the transfusion because it works much faster and without the side effects of the pills.  I decided to follow their suggestion and will receive the transfusion Friday morning in the treatment room of The West Clinic...just when I thought I wouldn't ever go there again.