Wednesday, August 24, 2011

6 Weeks Post-Op

I had expected to be in "full steam ahead" mode by now, but it's not happening.  My surgical wounds are still far from healed.  In fact, I was in Dr. V's office yesterday almost certain I had an infection in the wound area.  Thankfully, nothing is infected.  The healing is very slow, but the tissue inside the wounds still looks healthy, according to the doctor.  To help speed it along, I need to increase my intake of protein and vitamin C.  And, it appears that I was packing my wounds too tight, which was contributing to the pain. 

I've researched this enough to know that a big part of the problem is my BMI.  Additional flab decreases the blood flow necessary to speed up healing.  Also, chemotherapy plays a part in the healing factor.  As Dr. V told me yesterday, "it will happen... it just will take some time". 


Kim Chapman said...

Patience is so hard...that's why it is a fruit of the spirit...we need His help!!

Love you!